Your Waste Consultation From Envirofeeds – What To Expect

What are the problems most manufacturers face that they may not realize when it comes to food byproduct recycling and management?

• All of what you’re removing may not actually be trash
• You’re trashing things that can be reused or recycled
• You’re currently paying too much for waste removal
• You don’t have the reputation of being sustainable or you’re not quite reaching your sustainability goals.

This is where EnviroFeeds comes in. We’re here to find the gaps in your current waste management process (or lack thereof) and offer solutions on how to reuse and properly recycle, ultimately saving your company money and time. We will help you and your team recognize opportunities to better the process of using your resources.

Our Consultation Process

• Site visit
• View your current sources of waste and methods of disposal
• Evaluate what can be recycled, reused and generate less waste costs for your business
• Determine your best options to save, make your process more efficient, increase your bottom line and give you a better path in reaching sustainability goals.

Ready to chat? Fill out this form and someone will be in contact with you shortly to talk through goals and solutions.